Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Di Perantauan

Assalamualaikum .. Lama sudah tidak menjengah blog sendiri.... tiada masa nak ber’blog’ walau hati rindu menceritakan kisah hari2..bila tua nanti bolehlah renung2 kembali... Hari ini anak2 cuti .. kalau cuti pun hati tidak segirang di Malaysia .. kerana di sini ..kesejukan menghalang diri dari keluar berlari2 atau mengambil angin pagi... sudahnya di rumah sajalah menghabiskan masa bersama family... Sungguh nikmat Islam di Malaysia dan menyesali banyak yang kita kurang endah dan ambil peduli... masjidnya ada di mana sahaja dan hampir semua terbuka dan tidak terkunci.. alkisahnya ingin keluar ke daerah sebelah ...membeli barang2 keperluan dan mencuci mata yang dah lama kepenatan mengadap computer ... terasa ingin menikmati perjalanan dan bila tiba masanya ingin berhenti solat di masjid kerana majoriti di sana juga ramai yang muslim. Pastinya akan ada tempat2 beribadah dan tidaklah perlu bersolat di dalam kereta dan mengambil wuduk di toilet awam yang pastinya banyak mata memandang... Hati kecewa bila masjid pertama yang dijengah tiada tempat untuk jemaah wanita... takpe..cari lagi.. masjid kedua malangnya sudah pun terkunci ... dan masjid ketiga juga hanya untuk jemaah lelaki.. tidakkah ini satu perkara yg sgt mengecewakan ?... akhirnya terpaksa juga bersolat di dalam kereta ...dan mengambil wuduk di toilet sebuah kedai pinggang mangkuk yang agak men”.....” Betul...Islam itu mudah.. tapi saya yang pernah berada di zon selesa terasa benar bezanya bila hampir kesemuanya berbeza... Rindu hati pada kedamaian di masjid2 di tanah air sendiri membuak2... rasa damai pada keindahan masjid di mana sahaja di ceruk Malaysia membuai2... Saya berjanji pada diri sendiri.. bila pulang nanti saya akan lebih bersyukur dilahirkan di bumi Islam ... agamanya adalah Islam ..anak2 saya boleh mengamalkan Islam dengan bebas...alangkah bertuahnya saya kerana diberikan nikmat yang paling besar dalam hidup ini apabila lahir sebagai seorang ISLAM... Mungkin jika saya dilahirkan sebagai bukan Islam (nauzubillah!) saya tidak akan mencari kebenaran dalam agama..saya mungkin akan mati sebagai bukan Islam ... syukur kerana saya dilahirkan sebagai Melayu dan Melayu di Malaysia mesti ISLAM. Jadi saya yakin, anak2 dan generasi saya tetap akan lahir sebagai seorang ISLAM ... walaupun tahap keimanan itu mungkin berbeza2 dan tidak boleh diwarisi..tapi dengan nikmat ini ISLAM kita sudah pun berada di landasan yang sebenar .. InsyaAllah... **geram pada mereka yang mempertikaikan kenapa melayu mesti ISLAM**

Friday, March 29, 2013

Today is your birthday.. I want to write something thoughtful and longer statement than before .. then I think I should use my blog .. blog nih dah bersawang.. I sign in only once in a year. Everytime I log in I have to create a new password...I just couldn't remember my password ..but for you I have to create another password today...this is not easy ..trust me!! Hehe.. My wish to you ...May Allah bless u and our family till Jannah... May Allah grant us His blessing and may your your life always under His love. This year too we celebrate our anniversary. A decade of of sharing life and I think I should also write something to ponder when we getting old ..something to share with our kids when they grown up. But anyway I'm not a good blogger... but please remain with me till the end. hehe.. I have been keeping these pictures in my wallet for a decade. Wallets come and go but these pictures still remain intact. It’s been 10 years now! Praise to Allah for the blessings He granted us. I’m blessed with the happy marriage and 4 kids that always howling us with unstopped laughter throughout our ups and downs. 10 years with a bundle of memories and hopefully it will not become vague with the passage of time. You are my best friend, soul mate and we are destined to be together. We’ve been together for a decade now but I just feel that I only met you yesterday. I am longing this love until Jannah Ya Allah. A decade together, shared joy and tears. Married you when I was 23 and now it’s already 10 years in a blink of eyes. I used to consider ageing is something that I want so much to avoid and thinking of how presumptuous I was for not to consider growing old as an achievement and a challenge. But with you time fly so fast and I was suddenly realized that I have four kids already. They are driving me crazy in the way that I feel so happy as I can jump on the bed, singing loudly, dancing and play hide and seek together while making excuses that I just want to accompany them and make them happy. At the same time I’m back to my childhood time. Being mum and being a kid at the same time. Superb! Life is just like a big circle. I can consider myself so lucky to have a husband like you. You always there every time I need. Always say sorry for all the things, even it's not your fault and obviously it’s my mistakes. You are to be blamed as long as I am happy. Who else to pamper me if not my dear husband. Ha ha.. Sounds morbid right? How can I live without you? You are tall enough to make me feel safe when you stood protectively beside me. During the freezing cold weather, I can snuggle up and tucking my freezing cold feet underneath your legs to warm myself and you never asked me to leave. But when it comes to your turn, no chance at all. Cruel? Of course... my body my rule (Fatin, 2013). We not perfect but we try to please each other. From the beginning we know that we are from two different worlds; you know and play all kinds of sports, know all peoples. .. While I was kind of (please do not disturb ...I am studying!). You like spending money (that's real YOU!).. But I think it’s better if you save the money! You said once it’s gone it’s gone...better buy now and not to regret ... Then I’ll counter argue... not to regret but to forget... !! An overnight I will forget about the things that fancy me yesterday. People know you but not me... etc etc... I will be introduced as “she is zul’s wife”... I keep noticing that... but anyway I’m still happy... You are my best friend who I can share all fears and sadness. Soothe me when something went wrong. None of the things in this world could provide me with any solace without your smile. May Allah persistently provides us with joy, happiness, blessings and unite our family till Jannah. I wish I can write more but I have to cook(Ohhh.. How I wish I Can just buy nasi lemak at this time!!!) I pray to Allah this family will go to Jannah together... Amin Amin Amiin ... P/S: I upload our picture when we were student... more than last ten years picture ... believe it or not!!! :-)Masa nih kita tgh tunggu bas nak balik kampung masing2... Lots of love... wife and mum to our four lovely kids